Living Lush: Plant Tips for Apartment Living w/ Botanical Bros

Spring is officially here, and we’re already daydreaming about blooming flower beds and blossoming trees. But you don’t have to wait for warmer temperatures to experience the joy of greenery in your life. We worked with Botanical Brothers, a local plant paradise here in downtown Fargo, to put together some tips for bringing the outdoors indoors to spruce up your apartment.

More Than Décor

Houseplants are just a great way to decorate your home. There are plenty of practical benefits to creating your own personal oasis, too. Studies have shown that houseplants can reduce stress levels, improve mental wellbeing, boost air quality, and even sharpen your focus, according to Healthline.

Kale’s Plant Picks for Beginners

Not sure where to start when it comes to picking the right plant? Kale McCollum, cofounder of Botanical Brothers, has you covered!

The Perfect Placement

An essential part of successfully adding plants to your home is knowing where to put them to help them flourish.

Windowsills are a great place to add some greenery. South-facing windows are perfect for plants that thrive on lots of direct sunlight or even a miniature herb garden. Plants that do best with bright but indirect sunlight, such as succulents, cacti, and spider plants, are perfect for east- or west-facing windows.

Don’t be afraid to mix in plants with your other décor as well. ZZ plants and trailing ivy make excellent additions to shelving units to keep things visually interesting. Getting creative with heights and textures can also create a lush and curated atmosphere to any shelf.

Larger plants like fiddle leaf figs, rubber plants, and peace lilies are an excellent way to liven up an otherwise empty corner that gets medium to bright light.

Adding greenery to your kitchen counter or desk with low-maintenance plants like succulents and aloe vera can also be a great way to introduce houseplants without taking up a lot of space.

Bonus Seasonal Care Tips

  • Ensure your plants receive adequate sunlight as the days get longer during spring.

  • Adjust watering frequency as needed, keeping in mind that plants may require more moisture with increased warmth.

  • Consider repotting or refreshing your plant's soil to promote healthy growth and blooming.

Ready to enter your plant parent era? Visit Botanical Brothers in downtown Fargo to get started. Make sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram, too!

Looking for a new plant-friendly home?
Check out our downtown apartment communities to find the perfect place to soak in the natural light.


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